Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thaaats Gonna Leave a Mark

Now, I am not referring to Kurt "Batman" Pellegrino, who fought and won earlier in the night. I want to talk about Anderson "The Spider" Silva. For those of you who didn't watch UFC 101, take a gander at this.....

Now, there have been a couple of boxers that have explored the possibility of moving over to MMA, but this dude will definitely make you think twice about that idea. This best word to describe a beat down like this, is efficient. Silva threw maybe 20 punches total in the fight, and every one of them is gonna leave a mark. Just ask Griffin. Oh, wait, all he could do after the fight was run straight to his dressing room. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. A move I am anxious to see how fans respond to. If you are going to get your ass kicked, at least do it with some amount of dignity. I like Griffin, but not sticking around to at least congratulate Silva on a surgical thumping, is extremely low budget. Again, take it like a man. On the flip side, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't remember any of the fight after the first 1:30...

1 comment:

  1. Zuffa ripped your video rights already, but the fight is still burning in my memory so strongly it doesn't matter.

    Silva could definitely hang with boxers in a ring, and that's without the ability to use his vicuous knees and Muay Thai clinch... or his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt.

    If he keeps fighting like this boxing may have to share it's label as the "sweet science".
